Each man who succeeds an object or a ritual that attracts luck. It is difficult to assert unequivocally that it is attracts the luck of the object itself or of faith in him a man dressed happy tie before the opening of negotiations and that the transaction is successful, the woman dresses up for the neck a magical amulet, and responds to "its" unique, a sports team have their charms, which give them the chance. Let's see what are the mascots, which they help, and how to make the amulet of the chance yourself.
That can be the mascot
It often happens that the subject of luck, finds himself, as the stone on the edge of the river, the domestic cat, by any chance acquisition of the figurine, object of jewellery, or a wardrobe. Of the things themselves which attract the owners of the appearance, the texture, the shape or the color. If an object is not found, and without her support at home, you can order it at the manufacture, but better to be the mascot of his own hands.
The chance I can bring:
- Stones;
- Jewelry: rings, pendants, brooches;
- Jewelry, hair clips;
- Plants, pets;
- Cardboard, wire, tissue, of the skin;
- The traditional objects: a horseshoe, figurines, coins.
The list can continue, the choice of the object depends on your personal preferences, but there are general rules for inanimate objects: it is advisable to use natural materials, the mascot should be pleasant to the touch and cause positive emotions.
The manufacturing and the conspiracy of the mascot of the chance

If the object is found, bought or ordered - before you activate it, it should be cleaned , any way:
- Lower the night in salt water;
- Wash the moon or the sun;
- Holy water or visit the church.
Plot for found or bought of the mascot:
"My now the mascot, the fate is mine! The luck and the chance to bring me into Trouble, and bad weather for me to take you"
The manufacture of amulets on the chance to do better in the Sunday it is important, for the moon was in a phase of growth. The situation must be conducive, positive mood. We prepare all documents and to proceed:
- Let's form the talisman, if necessary, cross the lace;
- If you want to apply symbols or runes;
- We enclosed mascot in the fabric and place it under the pillow at night.
The sack
The binding of the mascot - one of the destinations nodular magic. For the manufacture of needs a leather cord, and blue in rabat. The fabric bandage three double knots, over each readable plot, after nauzu give to any form.
The first node: "luck is with me has been in the business of my thoughts" Second site: For this, always, and to the word of my true" Third node: "that neither the virgin nor explicit dropping my luck with me can! So be it!"
Knotty, the mascots are stored in hidden of the prying eyes of premises: hide in the house, the bag, sewed under the lining of clothes.
The runes
Traditional magical symbolism is applied to the metal (carved), stone (scratches), a tree (burning). For activation, you will need:
- The amulet, made of his own hands, with worn runes;
- A song has been recorded conjuration;
- The saucer, the new box of matches, a pair of tweezers;
- Ocher - natural paint, red, beige, orange.
After the application of runes, and the coloration of the amulet read :

- Say the name of each rune, possible to write your own text spells (it is important not to use the particle "not");
- The sheet with the plot is burned in the flame of the candle and placed in a saucer;
- The ash is necessary to collect and dispel the wind;
- The flame of a candle sprinkle a few drops of wine, Mead, beer, or the essential oil.
The names of the runes of luck :
Anzus - rune-words, divination, magic.
Urzus - fleece of the action, of the success, vitality and energy.
Hyères - rune of income.
Runny talismans bear on the neck of the uterus to the strap or in the pocket, they need periodic of the food from the hand of the owner.
The most simple and reliable method of manufacture-magical object out of his hands, it is the bag with the wax. You will need:
- The spark plug (the best of the church);
- A glass of water;
- The new box of matches;
- The test of the conspiracy;
- A bag of natural fabric and a small bag.
Manufacturing process:
- The candle install it in a glass and fill it with water to half;
- Burn a candle and read up on it conspiracy;
- The candle must burn out to the water and dye all the time (to enhance the effect of the conspiracy is to read all the time until the candle burns);
- Assemble the pieces with wax, who loves the shape, put in cellophane bag and in the bag;
- Talismans-bags must always be with the master.
"Beyond the sea-ocean, the island of Buyan, on the island of the mountain, and the mountain of the nora. And in a hole of seven demons sit, that send of people fail. Until the young eyes closed, I its tail to the fire lured. Until the fire and her children with me, not see me devil with the brothers"
The second option of the conspiracy is played strictly at midnight.
"In the distant sea, in the blue sea there is an island. On the island of the mountain of the high, high mountain there is a deep hole, And in the terrier of the sitting black devils, the People of the curse yes send failures. Has approved I am a servant of God (name) of these demons. Do not send me all the misfortunes and bad weather. And until that fire with me - the chance is with me"
Grand amulet of luck

The practitioners of the magi and seers often wear large pendants on which are engraved pentacles, runes or the signs. This is not done for the demonstration of competence and for a better protection of attention and envy. A great amulet of luck is manufactured according to the same principles as the small problem in the discretion. The more often the mode of life does not wear such a charm is opened, the option - wear it in the pocket of the bag. Of specific conditions or skills for the manufacture of a wide mascot of his hands to not need, in addition, on this amulet, you can cause more characters.
Everyone has the right to decide to choose the amulet, and if it is necessary in general. The laws of the universe require actions to achieve success may be personal mascot is the first step on the great way of the desired future.